Scott was an invited guest on the Radio Real Estate Show with host Tom Lucas on June 20, 2009....
Click play below to listen to Scott's comments on the show.
Scott was also an invited guest on the Radio Real Estate Show with host Tom Lucas on March 21, 2009....
Click play below to listen to Scott's comments on the show.
Fabulous Flower Beds again exhibited at the White Rock, BC, Home Expo this year,
May 7, 8 & 9, 2010.
In addition to our �Landscaping Coach� approach, the fresh bouquet of lilac flowers also attracted a lot of attention.
After a very cold winter, Fabulous Flower Beds added some warmth to the 2009 White Rock, BC, Home Expo, March 27, 28 and 29, 2009.
Our low cost, do-it-yourself, landscaping option was well received by many during these challenging
economic times.